
subscriber news

Colin Beasley Live Workshop

We are excited to host Colin Beasley for our May Live Workshop!
Colin Beasley (<-- Click on his name to learn more about him)

Thurs, May 19, 5 pm MDT

Playing Melody and Harmony Together:

Hand Independence

Discover the magic of playing melody in one hand and harmony in the other! You will learn what you can do with hand independence and how you can get started with it.

This is a hammered dulcimer-focused workshop (with mountain dulcimer translation!)

This workshop (and its recorded…

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Certificates of Completion


New DulcimerCrossing Feature: 

Certificates Awarded for Completion of Courses!

We are excited to provide a celebration of your accomplishments when you complete 


(and mark as complete) each one of our over 200 Courses on DulcimerCrossing. 

The Certificates look like this:


We all know that a significant challenge for us as learners is to stay with the learning process and every bit of support we can get will help us reach our goal of: 

"Bridging the Gap between what you know and where…

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New Feature: Sample Lessons

NEW FEATURE: Sample Lessons


We've added a new feature on our website:  Sample Lessons by several of our instructors for each of the instruments for which we teach Courses.

Click here to Sample them!

Mountain Dulcimer:

These are sample mountain dulcimer lessons from DulcimerCrossing's curriculum, one from each level we teach:

Absolute Beginning-Level 1-Steve Eulberg

Beyond Beginning-Level 2-Butch Ross

Intermediate-Level 3-Neal Hellman

Advanced-Level 4-Nina Zanetti

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Introducing Carmen Amrein a new Teacher at DulcimerCrossing.


Our newest Teacher to join the faculty of DulcimerCrossing is Carmen Amrein who lives in Munich, Germany.  

Carmen was able to study the playing of the German Hackbrett, the 5th-tuned German Hackbrett (in flat keys to accompany accordions and folk music, and the Italian Salterio at the University in Munich.  She and other graduate have put together the annual Hackbrett Festival (the 3rd version of that festival is coming up in May.)

We are excited that she offered a Live Workshop for us in Mar…

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New Blues Backing Tracks added to the Library


I am excited to the announce the addition of SIX (6) brand-new Blues backing tracks in 6 different keys.  These are all played at 117 bpm (beats per minute).  The tracks were created with guitar, dulci-Bro and drumkit and are located in our Backing Tracks Library

All levels of membership have access to this library and can download the tracks as well as the PDF chord charts that accompany them.

Making use of the Pentatonic Minor Scales for each key and/or the Blues Scales for each key, players…

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Gratitude for our Legacy Site at



Wow.  Linda and I have been working on creating, maintaining, publicizing and updating the resource of DulcimerCrossing since 2009.

After a year-long soft-launch in 2010, we opened up the gates in 2011.

One year, on July 1st, we woke up to discover that because Adobe (who created Flash Technology) and Apple (who created the Safari Browser) were having a squabble, none of the lessons on our website were working! 

We had spent a good deal of time adding all of our filmed lessons to a video pl…

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Wendy Songe Workshop: New Beginnings


Wendy Songe, who has had to learn a LOT of new things in the past year, will share with us the treasures from her learning on Thurs, Oct 23rd at 5 pm MDT (=4 pm PDT, 6 pm CDT, 7 pm EDT).

There are three ways you can join us for this exciting event!

1.  This workshop is a benefit for Workshop and Mentor level members of the DulcimerCrossing. 

On the day of the workshop, simply log in and choose Upcoming Events from the Live Events Menu at the top of the page

Live Events Menu

and choose Wendy's workshop

Wendy Upcoming


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Cluck, Cluck

You cannot soar like an eagle with a chicken mentality. 
Elevate your thoughts to elevate your life (and your music).

A man found an eagle's egg and put it in a nest of a barnyard hen. The eaglet hatched with the brood of chickens and grew up with them.

All his life the eagle did what the barnyard chicks did, thinking he was a barnyard chicken. He scratched the earth for worms and insects. He clucked and cackled. And he would thrash his wings and fly a few feet into the air.

Years pass…

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The Blessings of Music

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind,
flight to the imagination and life to everything.”
- Plato

The Blessings of Music

I’ve been around music all my life, for as long as I can remember. In fact, I don’t think there’s ever been a time when I didn’t have a tune in my head or a piece of music (or instrument) in my hands.

Music runs in our family. My grandmother was a concert pianist and traveled all over Europe – even playing for the queen of England. We always had a pia…

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