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Learning the notes on hammered dulcimer (Tuning Game)

by Steve Eulberg People always ask me if it is necessary to read music in order to play the hammered dulcimer.  My answer is always the same, "No, it is not necessary.  But it can be good tool." It IS necessary to know which notes you have on your instrument in order to tune it, however. And learning that is a LOT more fun if you have a game to play to help you learn! When I first started playing hammered dulcimer, I used a vocal pitch pipe to match pitches with the strings and I found it a lo…

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Welcome to the DulcimerCrossing Blog is an affordable site where you can learn to play mountain or hammered dulcimer at your own pace, from the comfort of your own home!

Here we will give updates about the website, write occasional articles about dulcimer-related items and events, and share some mini-lessons and information about the lessons and free stuff in our site.

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