Lifelong Benefits for Children

Peanuts--Issued a Dulcimer

I belong to several Facebook dulcimer groups, and I am always thrilled when I see a young child holding a dulcimer, learning to play. Here are several compelling reasons why it is advantageous for children to embark on a musical journey:

  • Enhanced Cognitive Abilities: Playing an instrument stimulates various cognitive functions, including memory, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Children learn to read sheet music, interpret musical symbols, and coordinate their hands and fingers to produce the desired sounds. These mental exercises can improve their overall academic performance.

  • Improved Concentration and Discipline: Learning an instrument requires sustained attention and practice. Children develop the ability to focus on a task for an extended period, which can positively impact their academic and life skills, teaching them the importance of discipline and patience.

  • Enhanced Math and Language Skills: Music and mathematics share a strong connection. Learning rhythms, beats, and time signatures can help children grasp mathematical concepts more easily. Additionally, music can improve language skills by enhancing vocabulary, pronunciation, and comprehension.

  • Boosted Creativity: Playing an instrument encourages creativity and self-expression. Children can explore different musical genres, experiment with melodies, and compose their own tunes. This fosters a sense of individuality and allows them to express emotions in a healthy way.

  • Stress Reduction: Music has a soothing effect and can serve as a means of emotional release. Playing an instrument can help children cope with stress and anxiety, promoting mental well-being.

  • Enhanced Motor Skills: Learning to play an instrument involves the simultaneous use of various body parts, such as fingers, hands, and feet. This helps children develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

  • Social Skills and Teamwork: Many children participate in group music lessons or school bands and orchestras. This fosters a sense of teamwork, cooperation, and camaraderie. Learning to play in a group teaches them how to listen to others, follow a conductor, and work together towards a common goal.

  • Confidence and Self-Esteem: As children progress in their musical abilities, they gain a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence. Performing in front of others can boost their self-esteem and help them overcome stage fright.

  • Cultural Appreciation: Learning to play an instrument often exposes children to a wide range of musical genres from different cultures and time periods. This can foster an appreciation for diversity and world cultures.

  • Lifelong Enjoyment: Learning to play an instrument is a skill that can be enjoyed throughout one's life. It provides a source of lifelong entertainment and fulfillment, enriching a person's leisure time and overall quality of life.

Consider giving your children or grandchildren a dulcimer and then set aside time to play with them. Encouraging children to explore the world of music can be a rewarding and enriching experience that sets them on a path of lifelong learning and self-discovery.

Happy dulcimering,



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