It's Not WHAT You Practice!


It's not WHAT you practice that makes you better ... it's HOW you practice! This statement holds a profound truth when it comes to learning to play your dulcimer. Simply going through the motions of practice without a deliberate and thoughtful approach will yield limited progress.

Practicing with intention and focus is what sets apart exceptional musicians from the rest. It's not enough to mindlessly repeat scales, chords, or tunes without a clear purpose. Instead, effective practice involves mindful engagement, and attention to detail.

Another aspect of effective practice is setting specific goals. Identifying what you want to achieve over the next week, month, or year can make all the difference. Whether it's improving a mastering a new technique or developing a new play list, having clear objectives provides a sense of direction and purpose.

Adding challenging exercises into your practice routine can also make a difference. Engaging in a variety of musical genres, rhythms, and technical exercises keeps your practice sessions interesting and helps you develop versatility as a musician. Consistency and perseverance are vital in effective practice. Also seeking guidance from experienced teachers or mentors can significantly impact the quality of your practice. They can provide valuable insights, constructive feedback, and personalized strategies tailored to your specific needs.

By approaching practice with intention, setting clear goals, breaking down complex tasks, engaging mindfully, incorporating variety, and seeking guidance, musicians can maximize their progress and reach new levels of proficiency. Ultimately, it's the quality of your practice that will propel you forward in your musical journey.

Happy dulcimering,



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