Expanding Noter Style

Linda Ratcliff & Steve Eulberg

If you want to play your Appalachian mountain dulcimer in the old traditional style, you will use a noter on the melody string(s), leaving the other 2 strings open to create a drone sound. We have developed several lessons that use a "noter," so we decided to add a new separate category for these at Dulcimer Crossing: Traditional Noter Style.

If you have never used a noter, you should start with our introduction to the Traditional Noter Style here. In this series of 14 videos, Steve introduces the traditional noter/drone style of playing, shows us some of the tools (noters) that he uses, and explains how to use the noter with different tunings.

Here is the complete list of the lessons lessons we offer that use a noter. 

Barlow Knife

Boil'em Cabbage

Breaking Up Christmas

Golden Slippers

Miss McLeod's Reel

Traditional Noter Style (featuring these tunes in different tunings, with and without the 6+ fret: O Susannah!, Holy Manna, Hunting Buffalo, Old Joe Clark, Joy to the World, Shady Grove.)

Here is a sample lesson featuring DAA and DAG tunings. 
Noter Style-- Notes Below Do:  Holy Manna and Hunting Buffalo

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