Natural Talent vs. Hard Work

by Linda Ratcliff

Hard work beats talent ... when talent doesn't work hard.

Natural Talent vs. Hard Work
Is it possible for a person without any inherent musical talent to become skilled at playing their dulcimer? Now to clarify ... a person who lacks musical talent will usually manifest the following characteristics:
  • Lacks a sense of rhythm - plays on the wrong beats.
  • Tone deaf – doesn't notice when he/she strums or hammers the wrong notes or chords.
  • Finds it difficult to keep in step with other players.
Is that YOU?  

Talent may be overrated - especially if a person doesn't put in sweat equity as well. I believe a person who doesn't possess a natural instinct for music can still learn to play the dulcimer if he/she possess the following attributes:

Dedication: This person is willing to make a larger investment of time into their practice than the natural musician.

Determination: This person doesn't let the skepticism of family members or friends stop him. He won't let anything or anyone discourage him from learning to play the dulcimer.

Passion: This person loves music and has a great love for the sweet sound of the dulcimer.

Practice will not make you a natural musician, but it will definitely bridge the gap between the musician for whom playing comes easily and the one who has to work at it. With practice, a fumbling musician can become a skilled instrumentalist.

If you have any questions, always feel free to ask Steve or myself.

Happy dulcimering,


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Natural Talent vs. Hard Work | Jerry Rockwell's Dulcimer Blog

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Thanks for the encouragement!
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