Backing Tracks Library

Here is a view of the new Backing Tracks Library which is a resource at for Premium Members. Backing tracks are a way to play along with a "band" while not having to worry about any egos (yours or theirs!) or other people who are going to get knocked off track when you make an error.  (You'll notice I didn't say "if"!) Steve uses these to get comfortable making and recovering from the errors and slips that inevitably come when playing music.  And sometimes, these "happy accidents" provide new inspiration and ideas! Each track has an .mp3 file that you can play and hear, in addition, there is a pdf tablature with chord charts, an occasional melody line, sometimes some suggested scales to use.  They are in several keys, tunings, genres and tempo styles. BackingTracksLibraryDC Want to get started with this new learning tool?  Join now and choose the Premium Option and you'll get the access you want for the support you need.



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