If we spent half the time working on our portfolios as we do talking or thinking about working on our portfolios, we'd have launched two decades ago. The good news is, you don't have to spend all that time working on your site. You can build your UX portfolio in 15 minutes.
Follow these five steps to create a professional UX portfolio with Carbonmade – in the same amount of time it'd take you to make a cup of tea, join another Zoom call or scroll through Instagram on your toilet.
Here's the final result.

The only tool you need for this tutorial is Carbonmade, which is free to use until you launch.
Start by signing up for Carbonmade and picking a starting point for your layout based on your work and style. Don't overthink it – this can be customized or changed later.

Step 1: Edit the intro on your homepage
Now that we've chosen a base structure, let’s edit the homepage headline and subhead to add a little introduction. Click the ⚙️gear icon to swap out the hero background image with your own image.
Step 2: Create your first project case study
Next, click Project in the left-hand sidebar. Upload a thumbnail to represent the project, then hit "Publish" so it shows up on your homepage.
Now we'll layout the page for your new project. At the top of the page, add a title and a one-sentence description that sums up the project.

Next, we'll drag & drop the "Image/Audio/Video" Block onto the page and replace the default image with our first project image.
Now, if you have one, let's embed a prototype on the page. Just drag & drop the "Text/Embed" Block onto the page and paste the embed code into the text. (You can add prototypes from almost any design tool like Figma, InVision or Adobe XD.)
To add another project to your portfolio, repeat Step 2.
PRO TIP: When building your case studies, it helps to think of your project in phases. Start with phase 1 (like the project challenge and brainstorming), then walk us through each phase all the way through to the results.
Step 3: Upload your logo
Got your own logo? Under the Design tab, drag & drop your logo under "Logo & Title" to upload it.
Step 4: Create your About page
Now go to your About page and drag the “About intro” block onto the page. Drag & drop your headshot into the provided space and paste in your bio. Then add the “Experience Details” block to list out your work history and any press you're proud of. Go ahead, brag on yourself a bit. This is the place to do it!
Finally, drag & drop a Contact block onto the page and swap out the text with your name and email.

Next, we'll link up social accounts. Go to the design tab in the left-hand sidebar and under "Footer," enable "Show Project Nav" and "Show Social links." Select your favorite social media networks and type in your @handles to link them up.

Step 5: LAUNCH
That's it! Now it's time to launch. Simply click the GO LIVE button, add your payment info and choose a domain name, and you're live. In less than 15 minutes, you created a beautiful, personalized UX portfolio to showcase your UX work.
You launched your portfolio. Now share it with everyone!
The best part about Carbonmade: You can easily update it at any time to add new projects or change the style.
Want to refresh your homepage? Simply change the Gallery Grid layout and it's instantly a new site.
Want to change the colors of your site? Under "Global Styles," in the design tab, change your global font or background.
Want to change your navigation color? Under Design, click "Site Navigation" and change the link colors and more to your liking.
To see examples of other portfolios built with Carbonmade, visit this page. If you create your portfolio with this tutorial, let me know on Twitter. We'd love to see it.